Our Ultimate Guide to Oily Skin - Blue Haven Holistics

Our Ultimate Guide to Oily Skin

Struggling to find balance with oily skin? If so, you’re not alone.

According to some statistics, there are over 10,000 skincare products and treatments on the market today, geared towards treating skin that is oily, acne prone, or both.

So with this in mind, Blue Haven Holistics has you covered! We created this quick and easy reference guide to help you better understand your skin’s condition and build a routine that supports your skin care goals. Here’s the scoop: 

What is oily skin and what causes it?

Oily skin refers to a specific genetic skin type, characterized by pores that are larger in size and sebaceous glands that produce more oil compared to other skin types. That said, excess oiliness is a condition that most skin types can experience - especially those with naturally oily or combination skin - due to factors such as dehydration, pH imbalance, hormone fluctuations, or chronic stress.

While oil is a necessary component that helps keep the skin protected and aging at a healthy pace, overproduction of oil can contribute to certain concerns such as skin that looks shiny or feels slick to the touch. It can also lead to more congestion, blackheads, clogged pores, and breakouts.

When symptoms of excess oil production strike, it can be easy to feel frustrated with your skin. However, with the right products and proper care, managing oily skin may be easier than you think. Here is what we recommend: 

Our Top Tips For Treating Oily Skin 

Tip #1: Cleanse at least once per day -

For keeping excess oil at bay as well as preventing buildup of acne-causing bacteria, debris, and dead skin in the pores, regular cleaning is a must. Look for a mild formula with purifying and detoxifying ingredients, and be sure to spend at least two minutes, morning and night, thoroughly washing your entire neck and face.


Your Ultimate Guide to Oily Skin


Tip #2: Add a face mist to your routine -

If you don’t already include a face mist in your daily skincare ritual, adding one can be a real game changer. Face mists not only help to restore pH balance, they're also great to add a boost of concentrated nutrients, vitamins and provide healing properties to target specific skin conditions.


Your Ultimate Guide to Oily Skin


Tip #3: Don’t forget to exfoliate -

One to three times per week, oily skin types will also benefit from exfoliation, which will help encourage cellular turnover and renewal of healthy skin cells. For this step, we recommend using an alpha hydroxy acid, beta hydroxy acid or enzyme-based exfoliant, rather than scrubs or brush tools that can further irritate or damage skin in the event of a breakout.


Your Ultimate Guide to Oily Skin


Tip #4: Oil ingredients are not your enemy -

A common misconception with oily skin or acneic skin is that you should avoid using moisturizers, creams, or oil-based products. But in fact, the opposite is true. All skin types need oil to function, and in many cases, applying a bit of oil topically can actually do wonders to regulate and rebalance the skin’s natural oil production cycles.


Your Ultimate Guide to Oily Skin


How to Control Oily Skin By The American Academy of Dermatology Association


Oily Skin: A review of Treatment Options By Dawnielle C. Endly, DO and Richard A. Miller, DO


Top Six Home Treatments for Oily Skin By Jon Johnson, Medically reviewed by Cynthia Cobb, DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC, FAANP
